Green Retrofitting (Part 1) insulation

Welcome to the world of Green Retrofitting! If you’re here, you’re likely a conscientious homeowner, a savvy property developer, or perhaps just curious. This is part one in a series about the green retrofitting universe covering topics we have experience with. Where renovation meets sustainability, and where your house can become an eco-friendly paradise.

But before we dive in, let’s set the stage. Picture your home. Now, imagine it’s not just a home, but a lean, green, energy-saving machine. That’s the magic of green retrofitting. It’s like giving your house a superhero makeover, where the superpower is saving the planet and lowering energy bills).

What is Green Retrofitting?

Green retrofitting, also known as eco-retrofitting, is the process of modifying existing buildings to improve their energy efficiency and environmental performance. It’s about making your home or building more sustainable, not just for the warm fuzzy feeling it gives you, but also because it can significantly reduce your energy costs and carbon footprint.

Think of it as a spa treatment for your home. Instead of mud wraps and facials, your house gets insulation, solar panels, and energy-efficient appliances. The result? A home that’s healthier for you, your wallet, and Mother Earth.

Why is Green Retrofitting Important?

Green retrofitting is like the kale smoothie of the construction world. It’s packed full of benefits for your home, your health, and the planet. For starters, it can significantly reduce your energy use, which translates to lower energy bills. Who doesn’t love the sound of that?

But it’s not just about saving money. Green retrofitting can also improve the comfort and health of your home. It can reduce drafts, improve air quality, and even reduce noise levels (acoustic comfort is more important than you think). Plus, it’s a fantastic way to increase the value of your property. It’s like a facelift for your home but without the Botox.

How Does Green Retrofitting Work?

Green retrofitting is like a jigsaw puzzle, with each piece representing a different aspect of your home’s energy use. The goal is to fit these pieces together in the most efficient way possible. This might involve installing insulation, upgrading your heating and cooling system, or even adding solar panels to your roof but there are many more possibilities.

But it’s not just about big changes. Small tweaks can also make a big difference. This could be as simple as replacing your old light bulbs with energy-efficient LEDs, or sealing up drafts around windows and doors. Every little helps, as they say!

The Main Components of a Green Retrofit

Like a well-crafted cocktail, a successful green retrofit involves a mix of ingredients, each adding its own unique flavour to the overall concoction. From insulation and heating systems to lighting and water conservation, each component plays a crucial role in creating a sustainable, energy-efficient home.

But don’t worry, you don’t need to be a mixologist to understand the components of a green retrofit. We’re here to guide you through a few of the important ones, and a generous helping of practical advice as the series develops.


Insulation is like the cosy jumper of your home. It keeps the warmth in during winter, and the heat out during summer. But unlike your favourite woolly pullover, insulation doesn’t come in one size fits all. There are many types of insulation, each with its own pros and cons. We will only cover VOC-free natural insulations.

Clay renders, for instance, have been used for centuries. Clay is a highly absorbent material that can effectively regulate moisture levels. When applied as a render, it forms a breathable barrier on the walls, allowing moisture to pass through while preventing the ingress of water from the outside. This not only helps to reduce dampness but also enhances the thermal performance of the building, contributing to energy efficiency.

Lime renders, on the other hand, offer similar benefits in terms of moisture regulation. Lime is a natural material that has been used in construction for thousands of years. It has the ability to absorb excess moisture and release it back into the atmosphere, preventing the buildup of dampness. Lime renders also have the advantage of being flexible and durable, allowing for natural movement of the building without cracking or flaking.

Cork and Hemp render, although less commonly used, are gaining popularity as a sustainable and effective insulation solution. Cork and Hemp are renewable material that possesses excellent insulation properties and is resistant to moisture. When applied as a render, it creates a breathable surface that allows moisture to evaporate, reducing the risk of dampness and mould growth. Additionally, cork renders can improve acoustic performance, making them an ideal choice for soundproofing.

Among the different types of natural insulating renders, those containing a mix of lime, clay and cork or hemp have gained significant popularity. Cork and Hemp within the render mix are both renewable material that possesses excellent insulation properties. Cork has a natural elasticity that allows for expansion and contraction, ensuring a long-lasting finish which can be finished in a polished natural finish which looks amazing.

Straw and rammed earth are also forms of insulation but will not be covered, as they are for building not retrofitting existing buildings.

Heating and Cooling Systems

When it comes to heating and cooling your home, not all systems are created equal. Some are energy guzzlers, while others are lean, and mean. The key is to choose a system that’s efficient, sustainable, and right for your home.

From heat pumps to biomass systems and solar thermal panels, HVAC and even Geothermal HVAC the options are endless and you need to speak to a qualified professional. Regardless of the system, correct insulation is very important and many of our clients have seen a 90% drop in energy use by having their homes correctly insulated and upgrading to modern windows and doors.

Our preferences will always be Solar and EATHE systems due to the climate in our area we will cover in more detail in another part of the series.

The Process of Green Retrofitting

Now that we’ve covered: Natural Insulations for retrofitting, and types of heating and cooling systems, let’s delve into the how. The process of green retrofitting is like a journey, with each step bringing you closer to your destination of a more sustainable, energy-efficient home.

But don’t worry, you won’t be embarking on this journey alone. We’ll be with you every step of the way, guiding you through the process, from the initial assessment to the final touches.

Initial Assessment

The first step in any green retrofit is the initial assessment. This is like a health check for your home, identifying areas where energy is being wasted and opportunities for improvement. It’s a bit like going to the doctor, but instead of a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff, your home gets a thermal imaging camera and an energy monitor.

The initial assessment will look at various aspects of your home, from the insulation and heating system to the windows and doors. The goal is to get a clear picture of your home’s current energy performance and identify areas where improvements can be made.

Planning and Design

Once the initial assessment is complete, it’s time to move on to the planning and design stage. This is where the magic really happens. It’s like the brainstorming session before a big project, where all the ideas are laid out on the table and the best ones are chosen.

The planning and design stage involves deciding which green retrofit measures to implement, and how to go about it. This could involve choosing the type of insulation to use, deciding on a new heating system, or planning for solar panels. It’s a crucial stage in the process, as it sets the direction for the rest of the retrofit.


And there you have it, the first part of our insulation guide to green retrofitting. In the next part, we will discuss heating and cooling systems. Moving on to roof insulation and then internal finish, and how the selection of various insulations can produce amazing natural polished finishes.

Remember, green retrofitting is not just about saving money or increasing the value of your home. It’s about making a positive impact on the planet, one home at a time. So why not start thinking about giving your home a green makeover? It could be the best decision you ever make. After all, as the saying goes, there’s no place like a green home!

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