
Diasen Diathonite is a high-performance thermal and acoustic insulation.

ECS Diasen value proposition

As a Diasen Distributor for Andalucia, Asturius and Galica, we offer comprehensive support to our resellers, partners and architects beyond just product selection. We provide:

– Highly competitive pricing on Diasen’s innovative insulation products, which offer superior thermal and acoustic performance for residential and commercial buildings.

– Technical assistance in selecting the right Diasen materials for each project, drawing on our in-depth knowledge of the product portfolio.

– On-site installation services or training for your local team on standard installations and polishing techniques to ensure proper application.

– Comprehensive installation support and guidance throughout the process to prevent issues, particularly for restoration projects where proper application is critical.

By combining our expertise in Diasen Diathonite (and polishing Diasen Diathonte) products with hands-on training and technical support, we empower our partners to successfully incorporate these high-performance insulation solutions into their projects. Our goal is to be a trusted advisor throughout the entire process, from material selection to final installation.

Are you an architect or interior designer located in Andalucía, Galicia, or Asturias? Would you like to discover more about Diasen products and Diathonite, including specialized application and finishing techniques? If so, please sign up so we can determine the best locations for our upcoming events to suit your needs. We assure you that we will not send you unwanted messages.

Thermal comfort

Diasen Diathonite is an innovative insulation product that offers superior thermal and acoustic performance for residential and commercial buildings. Made of natural and environmentally friendly materials, this product is designed to provide an energy-efficient and sustainable solution for modern construction projects.

Diasen Diathonite features a unique blend of natural cork, hydrated lime, and natural fillers that work together to create a highly effective insulation layer. The product is easy to apply and can be installed on a variety of surfaces, including walls, roofs, and floors.

Mortero de corcho y cal

Diasen Diathonite is an innovative insulation solution that delivers exceptional thermal and acoustic performance while promoting sustainability and occupant well-being. Its high thermal resistance (R-value) makes it highly effective at preventing heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer, significantly reducing heating and cooling costs. The product’s natural composition, which includes a blend of cork, hydrated lime, and natural fillers, allows for effective moisture management, minimizing the risk of mold and other moisture-related issues.

In addition to its thermal benefits, Diasen Diathonite offers outstanding acoustic insulation properties, making it ideal for use in apartments, hotels, and other high-traffic areas where noise reduction is essential. Its ability to reduce noise transmission between rooms and floors contributes to a more comfortable and peaceful living environment.

Diasen Diathonite is a sustainable and environmentally friendly product, made entirely from natural materials without the use of harmful chemicals. This makes it a safe choice for use in homes and buildings, promoting a healthier indoor environment for occupants.

Overall, Diasen Diathonite is an exceptional insulation solution that combines superior performance, sustainability, and ease of installation. Whether you are constructing a new building or upgrading the insulation of an existing one, this product is a smart choice for enhancing energy efficiency, comfort, and livability.

La pasión de ECS por los materiales naturales y sostenibles conduce a precios más bajos para Diasen Diathonite

Ecoconil.com se apasiona por usar materiales naturales y sostenibles en proyectos de construcción y renovación. Al abrazar estas alternativas ecológicas, Ecoconil tiene como objetivo reducir los costos de productos como Diasen Diathonite a través de economías de escala. A medida que aumenta la demanda de materiales naturales, Ecoconil está trabajando para hacer que las soluciones sostenibles sean más accesibles y asequibles para sus clientes. Al aprovechar sus asociaciones y canales de distribución, Ecoconil se ha comprometido a poner a disposición materiales de construcción naturales y de alto rendimiento como Diathonite a precios competitivos, permitiendo que más personas elijan opciones sostenibles para sus hogares y negocios.


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